Here it is! The release candidate can now be downloaded at our download page. It contains some final fixes that increase user experience. Please, also checkout the new metric plugins, […]

For those of you, who missed it: We updated our software tar balls to the pre-release candidate on August, 1st. Edit: To avoid downloading the wrong READEX version, we removed […]

Within the last month we released beta versions at regular intervals. Yesterday, we uploaded the last beta version of the READEX tool suite, which will be followed by the pre-release […]

And another workshop. During the ISC High Performance 2018, we will co-host the workshop Energy Efficiency Tools for High Performance Computing (EETHPC). Check out the program at the workshop website. […]

Like last week, the READEX project together with the AllScale, the ANTAREX, and the EXCAPE project is organising the High-Performance Computing Approaches for Monitoring, Exploring, Optimizing and Autotuning (HPCAFE-2018) as […]